13 Clickbait Blog Post Titles for Writers

  1. The One Question Writers Should Be Asking Themselves in the Mirror While Holding a Candle

  2. How I Quit My Job as a Silicon Valley CEO to Write Cozy Mysteries

  3. The 4 Words You’ll Never Find in Jane Austen’s Novels

  4. Save Hours Every Week Through Productive Procrastination 

  5. Startling New Information About the Rules of Capitalization (Hint: You’re Doing it Wrong) 

  6. 41 Ways to Always Land the Book Deal of Your Dreams, Again

  7. Lose Weight and Finish Your Novel? Why #NaNoWriMo is the Ultimate Lifestyle Diet

  8. The Shocking Reason J.D. Salinger Can’t Get Published Anymore 

  9. 16 Amusing Pictures of Frogs Perched on Spoons That Will End Writer’s Block For Good

  10. 10 Fresh Ideas for Using Blockchain Technology as a Major Plot Point

  11. 18 Inspirational Quotes By Authors That Will Make You Wonder How They Ever Got Published

  12. This is What it’s Like to Be the Only Woman in Book Club Who Didn’t Get Invited To Co-Host a Podcast

  13. The Last Blog Post About Non-Crumbly Snacks to Eat in Bed While Reading You’ll Ever Need

I came up with this list to purge my worst ideas for posts. And yet, frankly, I would read any and all of these if there were real. I would particularly like to see more frogs on spoons. What’s your best worst idea?


Deep into that Darkness Peering


How it Started vs. How it’s Going